Principles of Learning INC.



In home/ School/ Community Applied Behavior Analysis Services 

for children and adolescents ages 2-20.

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) uses the scientific principles of learning and motivation in order to effectively teach. It focuses on the idea that the consequences of what we do affect what we learn and what we will do in the future. Based on “determinism”, ABA professionals believe that behavior does NOT happen out of nowhere and that it can be explained through its cause-and-effect relations from previous occurrences.


ABA seeks to decrease inappropriate behaviors or such behaviors that are harmful for your child and others, while increasing important skills fundamental to live a regular life. Positive reinforcement is used to increase more positive behaviors and social interactions.


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) focuses on changing inappropriate behaviors (tantrums, incidents of damaging property, physical aggression to others and self, etc.) through the use of interventions that work with the child’s motivation and function (reason) of behavior.

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Parent training

Services also include Parent Training, in which the Behavior Analyst uses a systematic approach where parents or caregivers are taught techniques and strategies based on the principles of ABA. Parent training in ABA is typically individualized to meet the specific needs of the child and the family. It empowers parents to become active participants in their child’s therapy, promoting a supportive and structured environment that can significantly improve the child’s overall development and behavior.

In need of ABA Services?

We can help!

The Process is simple

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Contact us

Let us know about you. You can contact us via e-mail, phone number, or by filling the contact information on our webpage.

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The following documentation from a neurologist, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and/or developmental pediatrician is required before applying for the services:
- Diagnosis with ICD 10 code (e.g.: Autism (F84.0), ADHD (F90.9))
- Diagnosis Evaluation
- Referral for ABA therapy
Additional documents are also helpful to support medical necessity: Individualized Education Plan (if applicable), Copy of reports/notes from prior treatments, Medical Necessity Letter form a qualified professional, and discharge form (if coming from another agency). Parent/ Caregiver should also provide:
- A copy from the member's insurance ID card (front and back)
- Written consent form for services (will be provided by the agency)

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One of our Lead Analysts will meet you and your child. A Behavioral Evaluation will be conducted previously to starting the services. The behavioral assessment is the plan that would be followed by the ABA team during the whole period of services; it is an individualized, specific and tailored treatment to help support your child's needs.

Please note that any service related to Behavioral Health are subject to prior authorization from your insurance carrier.*

Professional Hierarchy


(Board Certified Behavioral Analyst)


(Board Certified Assistant Behavioral Analyst)


(Registered Behavior Technician)

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